Thursday, March 28, 2013

Violence, Explosions, or Resolution?

The fifth major U.S. tragedy since July 2012 may be in the latter part of phase 3 of 3 in its development, but does it have to happen?  The social mood signature now resembles Sandy Hook about a week before the shooting.   There are also some commonalities with the mood just before the Libya Ambassador shooting.  An interesting situation occurs just before major events manifest: the mood begins to shift, reflecting the event about to happen.  It reflects the new mood that society is about to move toward and settle into.  It indicates a previously overextended mood is about to find balance.  The question arises as whether balance can be found without a major tragedy occurring.  Do these events perform some type of necessary function for society as a whole?

Should the social mood patterns play out as they have in the past year, the type of event that would be about to emerge, would be violent, explosive, and/or fiery, and would lead to people feeling more vulnerable.  There might or might not be more casualties than with Sandy Hook Elementary School, but it would have a higher emotional impact, i.e. be more shocking, unsettling, etc. to the average American.  According to the latest data, it would be more likely that the event would be carried out by a lone disturbed individual than a more organized group.  Also, there is a higher likelihood for terrorist activity than a major geopolitical escalation.  The event might or might not originate from outside of the U.S.
There are those of us who have been doing an experiment, to move in the direction of balance in our own lives, before the major event occurs.  The goal, is that through the focus and intention of a few, the tragic event might be lessened or even avoided.  The balancing mood represents a slowing down from an extended "manic" period.  It is less expansive, and more about immediate needs.  It would focus more on the people in one's immediate environment, and less on the perhaps hundreds of internet "friends" that one has never met and probably never will.  The mood is already partially shifting in this direction.  It is likely, over the next few weeks, that it will be resolved one way or another.  Is a tragedy necessary to complete this shift?  Can a disaster, this time, be avoided?  We will know soon enough.

The other question is whether a tragedy is necessary.  In a dysfunctional family, when things get excessively stressful, one or more members will act out to get the attention focused on them.  They may break things, act silly, hurt themselves, get violent, or get in trouble with the law.  Whatever unfortunate thing they do, it relieves the immediate stress in the family and life goes on for the group as a whole.  There has been a large and growing "disaster wave" in U.S. social mood since June 2012.  In the current series of tragic events (Aurora, CO theater shooting, Libya Ambassador shooting, Hurricane Sandy, Sandy Hook Elementary), is it that an individual has stepped in to re-unify a fractured society each time the stress of disconnection gets too extreme?  Had Hurricane Sandy not occurred exactly during a phase 3, would a person or group have stepped in?  Can society learn to find cohesion without these horrific events continuing?  One could hope that is possible.  Perhaps, some day soon, we will get to find out.

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