Saturday, March 9, 2013

Another U.S. Tragedy Unfolding: March 16-23

Recently, we announced a breakthrough in understanding the nature of disasters, or at least in the process of watching them develop and then manifest.  This is possible through observation and measurement of changes in U.S. social mood and current U.S. events in the news.  It appears that collectively, we may play a part in the direction that these tragic events eventually manifest, whether we are individually aware of that or not. 

The current wave of increasing scale events has displayed as the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting; the Libya ambassador shooting and Muslim uprising; superstorm Sandy; and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.  Currently, the next major event in this series of U.S. tragedies is preparing to reveal itself.  Data on social mood changes as of today, indicate that it is a week or two away from showing up.

The initial signal or phase 1 of 3 for the next in this series of increasing scale major U.S. events was observed on February 28.  This gave an initial estimated manifestation of March 17 - April 9.

Phase 2 of 3 is finishing up.  Information as of today narrowed the time estimate to March 16 - 23.

There will be information about the type of event when phase 3 begins, but that will be only a few days before the event occurs.

We are hopeful that at some point, this type of information could allow us to collectively shift course before such tragic events take place.

For more information on the current outlook or the MoodCompass Project, see
You can also like The MoodCompass Project on undefined.


  1. Read
    What will you do?

    1. Thanks, Olive Farmer. I read your post-- a lot to think about. What will I do? I'm doing the few things I know to do now, and am waiting for next steps to become clear. We live in times like no other in human existence. I hope to help make the transition we are going through a little less difficult.
