Monday, October 31, 2011

Teetering on the Edge (Again) - Nov 2011

Highlights:  High risk of U.S. Government budget impasse ∙ Increased risk of terrorist activity ∙ Extreme societal tension and polarization ∙ In Nature: Heavy rain and snow near the holidays.

      November looks like a busy month for world leaders, as they continue to try to manufacture growth where little can be found.  There is a high risk of a U.S. budget impasse that does not get resolved in time.  The U.S. government perception cycles show high activity (battles) through November 17 (the deadline), shifting to dialogue and negotiations through the 22nd.  The timing would suggest an agreement not reached in time, causing increased societal distress and further distrust of the government as the holidays approach.

      There is a heightened global risk for terrorist activity mid-month, along with increased protests, and possible increase in "random acts" of violence.  In the natural world, an increased chance of heavy rain and snow near the holidays should make travel interesting.

Socioeconomic and Geopolitical events:
There are three major periods indicated for November --

November 1 - 8   Into Action.     
November 9 - 17   Turbulence. 
November 18 -30   It's the Economy, Stupid. 
(further details available in the full version of MoodCompass) 

Global natural events:
November   4 - 16  Active, In Motion.  Nature is in the news.  Elevated risk of unusual or increased tectonic activity.

November 16 - 28   Wet, Stormy.  Increased risk of heavy rain and snow.

The above is an excerpt from the November 2011 issue of MoodCompass, a publication of A New Story Foundation. To view the latest projections related to human perception of the natural world, see Earth Cycles.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

1, 2, 3 Go! -- The Trigger Point

Whatever global leaders achieve this weekend in their strategic talks, it is unlikely to be global stability, at least in the near term.  The October issue of MoodCompass shows a shift in the perception of global leaders, from "into action" to "delusional" or "in denial" early next week.  This indicates that whatever they come up with, whatever actions they might take, are likely to be seen as insufficient or ineffective.  

On a societal level, the collective mood is emotional and irrational.  People may tend to display irrational or panic behavior, ignoring facts in their decision-making process.  This configuration, in the short term, is often destabilizing to markets, and frequently accompanies increasing volatility.

Excerpt from the October MoodCompass:
October 19 - 31.   Trigger Point.  Increasing instability. People may be displaying irrational or panic behavior.  Global leaders are putting high level plans into action.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Glitch in the Global Matrix

One can see the European crisis and market turmoil coming to a peak October 3rd and 4th reflected in this excerpt below from the October issue of MoodCompass.  October 4th brought in the period in which the social mood reflected a sense of "new life," as forecasted.  In the short time horizon of market traders and politicians, this was reflected in global stock market rallies, and political negotiations that showed hope of possibly moving past deadlock. 

So what of the current phase entitled "A Glitch?"  The G20 is in negotiations this weekend.  Are they going to break down or be otherwise ineffective as this "chapter" unfolds?  Do global protests begin to appear out of control or become violent in some way?  Something the larger society considers "crazy," "surprising," "contrary," and possibly violent is the likely manifestation of the current configuration.  If possible, staying close to home and staying informed of the latest events may be a prudent course of action.

From the October MoodCompass:
October 1 - 3  An Ending.  Risk aversion is high.  Focus on global economy and stability.  Geopolitical issues.    

October 4 - 12  A New Start.  Global leaders focused on calming things down and restabilizing the global system.  U.S.. government searches for common ground between various groups in dialogue and negotiations. 

October 13 - 18 A Glitch..  Discussions and negotiations may break down.  There's an increased risk of protests, terrorist activity, and "random acts' of violence.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Strategizing Stability - October 2011

October Highlights: Discussion, dialogue, and negotiations∙ Increased risk of terrorist activity ∙ Grass roots protests and movements on the rise ∙ In Nature: Increased volcano and earthquake risk.

Socioeconomic and Geopolitical events:
There are four major periods indicated for October--

October 1 - 3 An Ending.
October 4 - 12 A New Start.
October 13 - 18 A Glitch.
October 19 - 31 Trigger Point.

(further details are available in the October issue of MoodCompass)

Global natural events:

October 1-11 Hot, Active. High energy in the system may enhance storms and flooding. Increased risk of volcanic activity.

October 12 - 18 Windy, Stormy.

October 19 - 31 Unstable. Increased risk of moderate earthquakes.

The above is an excerpt from the October 2011 issue of MoodCompass, a publication of A New Story Foundation. To view the latest projections related to human perception of the natural world, see Earth Cycles.