Monday, August 30, 2010

September 2010 - U.S. Chaos and Global Volcanoes

Helplessness and fear left unchecked will find “resolution” in hate and release in violence. Economic stagnation with no end in sight, media rhetoric that exacerbates fear and feelings of powerlessness, and high uncertainty about what lies ahead, all simmer together under increasing pressure in the social milieu.

In September, the region of the world with the highest likelihood of violent social eruptions is the United States of America. The initial release of steam from a pressure cooker can be quite intense. Initial violations of long standing social prohibitions can likewise be quite dramatic, and could take the form of isolated incidents of violence or property destruction, or on the more extreme end, could be expressed as anti-group or anti-government acts of terror.

Also in September, we can expect escalating geopolitical tension. A crisis involving N. Korea is probable, and a Middle East episode not unlikely. In the natural world, a parallel theme of eruptions and pressure release should not be surprising. Watch for volcanoes and earthquakes to make an appearance in this month’s headlines.

The above is an excerpt from the September 2010 issue of MoodCompass, a publication of A New Story Foundation. To view the latest projections related to human perception of the natural world, see Earth Cycles.